After edithing my text to be showing Next and Previous then this is what it is showing and i dont lyk that way. It shows previous in my 1st page which is abnormal and still show Next in mr last page and i dont want it lyk that i just want it to be lyk the one of classicwap is using just check the screenshot and see what i mean
uc161211214103.png · image/png · 16.89KB
uc161211214103.png · image/png · 16.89KB
(Edited by 2016-12-11 20:42 Keyarn
You told me that you wnt dat next and previous to show instead of the arrow next and previous thats Y i gav u the tutor, drop a link to classicwap leme check..
Paste the update code u are using... Leme edit it
Note: Nairahints dnt hav prev in his paging..
Ok lets 4get about that one 4now my problem now is that the paging code in my file list is not navigating asin when you click on next page it will still view the xame music at my 1st page and thinking that maybe its b/c them music in my 2nd page is not upto ten and i av upload only 13 musics for testing
<div class="omenu">:list-music: cid=7956805:get-cid:, l=10, o=tu, s=1::<div style="border-bottom: #333300 1px solid; padding: 2px;"><table width="100%"><tr><td><div class=""><img src="%album%" width="72px" height="72" class="mido216news" alt="%music%"/></div></td><td><a href="%viewurl%?cmid=%cmid%"><font color="blue" style="bold">%title%</font></a></td></tr></table></div>:: :/list-music:<div align="center" class="omenu">:paging:n=:geti-n(1):,u=site_:getid-site:.html?get-n=%n%:admin-hash-amp::: <table class="" width="100%"><tr><td align="left"><b><div class="themespan">%prev%</div></b></td><td align="right"><b><div class="themespan">%next%</div></b></td></tr></table>:/paging:</div></div>
Copy code xo i dont know the pro plz tell me and here is the link you can check it your self
(Edited by 2016-12-13 09:01 STRIKELORD
K, you want the next to be in page 1 while the prev will appear in page 2 ryt?
Yea exatly plz help me with that