Nooo and what is it? What could it be?
It is use to construct and customize anytin fr eg logo maker, smiley maker, 2go star booster etc.. Jst like xtgem.
Ok xo what next about the voice tag or shud i add all of them manualy just lyk am doing in xtgem?
You dont understand me this link you shared is to generate but the one i shared is to add the voice tag to mp3 Automaticaly not manualy b/c i av been adding it manualy in xtgem and i just found out that one but i dont unterstand the tutorials given in 2nd step in that link thats y i contact you
I dnt understand, which 2nd step?
Copy dis 1 i customized jst pt ur own div class only others are set automatically.
<div class="bhead"><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="80%" align="left">»Lastest Musics </td><td width="20%" align="right"><img src=""/></td></tr></table></div><div class="strikecrown">:list-music: cid=:get-cid:, l=10, o=tu, s=:geti-page(1):,n=no file ::<div style="border-bottom: #ff0000 1px solid; padding: 2px;"><table width="100%"><tr><td><div class=""><a href="%viewurl%?cmid=%cmid%"><img src="%thumburl%" width="42px" height="52" class='mido216news' alt="%title%"/></a></div></td><td><font color="#3b5998"><b>%title%</b></font><br/><a href="%viewurl%?cmid=%cmid%"><input type="button" value="Download"/></a></td></tr></table></div>:: :/list-music:
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