Yes now i av leave the ctg but my quest is still dexame b/c i am still confused. Ok not tell me av you hosted ur site?
Its all about getting a domain.
How do i set Dns of my domain in wapka b/c i av try to park my .cf but it is telling me to set my DNS first plz how do i set it?
1. Go to any of the domain links
Freenom.Com And
Dot.GA And Enter the domain name you want for your site and click
“GO” .
2. If the domain name is taken already you will have to enter another domain name.
If the domain name is available you will be redirected a registration page and in there choose to use your domain with a
(Choose ” Use DNS “).
3. Now you will see the default Dot CF or other DNS service.
But we need to enter our custom Wapka name servers so click the
Your Own DNS tab.
Then you will be provided to input two ” Server names “. If you are a WAPKA user then in that Server names write
“” in the first box and write
““ in the secound box.
Leave the IP address fields blank.
4. Choose Registration length to 12months and enter the captcha as shown and Click “SignUp“. You will now get an option to register using your social network account or use your email address to signup.
Just click Next and continue with entering your account name and password.
5. Thats it you have successfully registered your free domain. You might have to activate your account by checking your email for the activation
mail from DOT CF.
6. Now login to your wapka account and goto
Own Domain » insert the url without
http:// e.g.
And Save! You have just
parked the domain so it will take some time get completely set your domain working..
Can E5 design blogmr site 4rm genesis to revelation? Asin every thing about it
Yep as far as it cn edit more than 5000 words..
Plz can you elp me explain this payment methode
Account Holder*
Account Number/IBAN*
Bank Name*
Bank Branch*
plz am in need of it i want to withdraw my Ads money
Do you have a bank account?
Account Number: Means Your Bank Account Number its in Numbers Eg: 0087786728
Bank Name: This Means The Name Of Your Bank That You Created An Account With Eg:
*Diamond Bank
*First Bank
*Zenith Bank
*Eco Bank
*Herritage Bank
*keystone Bank etc.
Bank Branch: It is The Venue/Branch/Location of the bank eg: if there is any bank at ur side lyk like just side your bank is *UBA* and its at ur side u are required to input the address of the bank
City: put the city of the bank eg: mine is Owerri in Imo state, *Owerri* is the city
Swift: Actually Optional.
Yes i have an acoount but my proble that make me to ask for elp is that Swift code and Account Holder plz explain the two well for me
The Word "SWIFT" Which Means Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication code.
This is an international bank code that identifies particular banks worldwide. It’s also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC). CommBank uses SWIFT codes to send money to overseas banks.
A SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters.
CommBank's SWIFT code is CTBAAU2S. You’ll need to give this code to anyone sending money to you from overseas.
SWIFT codes and BIC codes are the same thing and the terms are interchangeable. Other terms used by banks overseas include:
*.CHIPS (Clearing House Inter-Bank Payment System) – US and Canada only
*.NCC (National Clearing Code)
*.BSC (Bank Sort Code)
*.IFSC (Indian Financial System Code).
If you’re sending money to someone overseas, you’ll need to get the recipients SWIFT in order to do the transfer.
Please note: when entering a SWIFT in NetBank do not enter spaces, hyphens or special characters.
Secondly SWIFT CODE are not same the are different in different banks..
What is you bank name? am gonna get the SWIFT CODE for that particular bank....
Lastly Account Holder you are to input the name of the person who owns the account eg: MIDO CHILE as an account holder.
(Edited by 2017-04-28 12:44 STRIKELORD