Asin where i can generate or creat it
bazehub.png · image/png · 19.3KB
bazehub.png · image/png · 19.3KB
(Edited by 2016-11-05 17:03 Keyarn )
Is there no other way b/c in my phone i cannot increase the text size pass the one in the bellow image. Look at the ( f ) very well. My text size cannot pass that!
download_attachment-oon8wg4ki2cqrt9e14bb5qp8yi4mk2estv9g1-001.jpg · image/jpeg · 21.21KB
I created mine wit my android phone and its nt good anymore. Look fr a person dat has an android fone or pc tel him to do it fr u Or make use of dis smaller 1
White Barge.jpg · image/jpeg · 2.15KB
(Edited by 2016-11-05 21:23 STRIKELORD )
Ok but do you av a blank one of that BAZEHUB that i droped?
The are all xame the only difference is background change dats all!
Thats what i mean do you av the background or can you change it with your phone?
Am unable to use this code to paste blog on my home page! After when i paste it it will show me dis (Error:
Insert content!
Incorrect content length!
Incorrect title length!
:bloglist:l=1,v=1,x=i:: :: :get-blog: :/bloglist: :bloglist: o=n,n=Posts not Available,l=25,t=--,s=:geti-n(1):,n=No Post Available,t=d F Y::
%edit% %del%
:: :/bloglist: ) i dont know y
<div id="start" class="x" name="webschool"><span class="nlfooter">Updates</span><form method="post" action="blog_0.xhtml">Image Url: <input name="blog_title" value="http://"/>:admin-hash-input: <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="new"/><script type="text/javascript"> document. write('<input name="blog_body" value="[url=]' + document.title+'[/url]" size=""/>' ); </script><br/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post" class=""/></form></div>
Copy code
Make use of dis 1 paste dis @ ur forum footer
<form method='post' action='blog_-2.xhtml:admin-hash-amp:'>Image Url<br/><input type='text' name='blog_title'/><br/>Topic url And description<br/><textarea name='blog_body' rows='5'></textarea>:admin-hash-input:<input type='hidden' name='fnc' value='new'/><br/><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Tag Topic'/></form>
Copy code nw paste dis 1 @ ur homepage
<div id="contentwrap"><br /><div align="center"><a href=""><img src=""/></a></div><div style='background-image:url(;border:none;background-color:#<a href=';padding:6px;box-shadow:1px' target='_blank'>228b22;padding:6px;box-shadow:1px</a>2px 3px 3px #<a href=';color:#fff;font-weight:bold;text-align:left;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:100px;text-shadow:10px' target='_blank'>000;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;text-align:left;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:100px;text-shadow:10px</a>15px 20px 20px #<a href=';z-index:2}'><h2>Latest' target='_blank'>303030;z-index:2}'><h2>Latest</a>Update</h2></div><br />:bloglist:l=25,s=:geti-n(1):,o=n,t=--::<div class="post"><table><tbody><tr><td align='left' valign='top'><div class="thumbnail"><div class="imgpost"><img src="%title%" width="50" height="70"/></div></div><br /></td><td valign='top'><br /><h2 class="title"><strong>%text-220%....</strong></h2><br /><p class="subtitle">%time%. %del% %edit%</p><br /></td></tr></tbody></table></div>:: :/bloglist:</div><br /><br /><div align="left"><br /><div class="pagination"> :paging:n=:geti-n(1):,u=site_0.xhtml?get-n=%n%:admin-hash-amp: :: <span class="pages">Page:1 of 40 </span>%n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %n% %next% %nlast%:/paging:</div></div><br/>
Copy code How to update..
In img url put image link..
In d next box use this
[url=/forumlink]forumtopic[/ url] description here
[url=/forumlink]forumtopic[/ url] description here.
Copy code the blog update hav these features
»TIME, DELECT And EDIT Functions.