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Copy code Replace ur CID and div class
Ok drop ur midosword css and headtags
Syntax error in head tags
Help me edit diz waec page
<div class="content_title" style="text-align:left"><h2>WAEC 2016</h2>
<div class="content" style="text-align:left">
<div class="content_text" style="text-align:left">
<p> Welcome <span class="b">WAEC 2016 Candidate!</span></p>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td><div class="c"><a href="/" class="button"> Home</a></div></td>
<td><div class="c"><a href="/exam/neco.php" class="button"> NECO RUNS</a></div></td>
<td><div class="c"><a href="/exam/nabteb" class="button"> NABTEB RUNS</a></div></td>
<center><p><font color="red"><b> WARNING:</b></font> Please do not Read this if you are not Ready to Set Your self Free from WAEC MAY/JUNE Bondage <br/></p>
<p><span class="st_facebook_hcount" displayText="Facebook"></span>
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<p><img src="http://www.bsslnig.com/waecpayroll/_images/WAEC-logos.png" width="300" height="300"/></p><p><font color="red"><b>NOTE:-</b></font> WAEC is Not like JAMB. WAEC Security is tight. We collect REAL WAEC Question paper from invigiltors, Solve and Send to you 10 minutes after your exam starts, Both OBJ and Theory ANSWERS will be Sent into your MOBILE phone. YES!!! you are going into the hall with your phone. </p>
<center><div class="bhead">Subjects Available</div></center>
<div style="text-align:left;"><p><p>
*. English
*. Mathematics
*. Biology
*. Physics
*. Chemistry
*. Literature in English
*. Government
*. Economics
*. Commerce
*. I.R.K
*. Agric Science
*. Geography
*. Accounting
*. Further Maths
*. Civil Education
*. Computer Science
*. Office Practice
*. Physics Practical
*. Chemistry Practical
*. Biology Practical
*. Agric Practical
*. Computer Practical</p></p></div>
<center><div class="midostrike">PAYMENT</div></center><br/>Choose from our below Subscription Price List that best Suites you, then Deposit the exact Amount into any of the below Bank Accounts:
<p><center><u><b>Our Subscription Price List</b></u></center><br/>
<div style="text-align:left;">
*. ALL Subjects(Science, Art, Commercial) + Practicals: <b>N12,000</b>
*. 9, 8 & 7 Subjects + Practicals: <b>N6,000</b>
*. 9, 8 & 7 Subjects + Without Practicals: <b>N5,000</b>
*. 6, 5 & 4 Subjects + Practicals: <b>N4,500</b>
*. 6, 5 & 4 Subjects + Without Practicals: <b>N4,000</b>
*. ENGLISH & MATHEMATICS: <b>N1,000 each</b>
*. Payment Per Subject: <b>N800 each</b>
*. Link payment For all Subject: <b>N6,000</b>
*. Link Payment For 9, 8 & 7 Subjects: <b>N4,000</b>
*. Link Payment Per Subject: <b>N400 each</b></div></p>
<div class="lil"><legend><b>BANK DETAILS HERE.</b></legend>
<div align="center">
<br/><img src='http://www.thescoopng.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/firstbank-logo.jpg' height='120' width='120' style='border:2px solid #21610b'/>
<b>Bank Name:</b> <font color='blue'><b>First Bank</b></font><br/><b>Account Name:</b> <font color='blue'><b>Amadi Chigozie </b></font>
<br/><b>Account No:</b> <font color='blue'><b>Loadin...</b></font><br/>
<div class="error"></div>
<img src='http://www.ventures-africa.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/UBA.gif' height='120' width='120' style='border:2px solid #21610b'/>
<b>Bank Name:</b> <font color='red'><b>Bank Uba</b></font><br/><b>Account Name:</b> <font color='red'><b>Amadi Jude </b></font>
<br/><b>Account No:</b> <font color='red'><b>Loadin..</b></font><br/><br/>
<p><font color="red"><b>**</b></font>After Payment, Send the Name You use When You Deposited to our Bank Account, the Bank Name, Your payment Deposit Slip no., Your Phone No., Your Subjects and a Short text 'I Paid for Waec MAY/JUNE Solution' as SMS to <font color="red"><b>08069724438</b></font></p>
<p><div class="error1"><font color="red"><b> E.G:- </b></font>Name: Musa Bello, Teller number: 823255PA, Phone Number: 08032346878, Subjects: Eng, Maths, Phys, Econs, Chem, Bio, Geo, Agric & Commerce. I paid for Waec MAY/JUNE Solution, </div></p>
<p><font color="red"><b>**</b></font> Automatically you are now listed in our SMS - WAEC MAY/JUNE SOLUTION LIST after we get a notification from the Bank. </p>
<p><font color="red"><b> NOTE:- </b></font> Answers Will not be Posted for Free this Time. Subscribe or Write your Exams in Hot Seat.
<font color="blue"><b>Act Wisely, Your Success is your Weapon.</b></font><br/> <font color="red">Expofans Forever!!!</font></center></p><p></p>
Copy code here z d missing tags
Syntax ERROR! Please EDIT or DELETE this WML/XHTML code. -incorrect place of tag </div>, tag </> is expected
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Edited! Recopy Above..
(Edited by 2017-02-22 20:02 STRIKELORD )
Pls help me edite diz code syntax error
<div class="sky" align="center"><h3>Sign in </h3>
<div class='li1'><form action="login_85.xhtml"><input type="hidden" name="do_id" value="0"/><input type="text" name="wu_login" maxlength="25" size="7" value=""/>
<input type="password" name="wu_heslo" maxlength="50" size='7' value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="wu_autologin" value="1" checked="true"/>
<input type="submit" name="log_submit" value="Login" /></form></div><center> Don't have a Cycwap Account? <a href="/site_62.xhtml"><div class="btn btnS largeBtn">Create New Account</div></a></center></div>
Copy code Edited Recopy and also help me add login successful link to it
(Edited by 2017-02-22 20:41 STRIKELORD )