plz the code should share on fb pages and groups
The Tutorial is pasted in the above link!
sir, i tried but couldn't understand which code and where the code be posted.
it wasn't clear.
Alyt, i wil compile it fr u..
(Edited by 2017-02-10 21:55 JuMaSo )
Login to your wapka site go to » Wap2 » Styles of login/registration » Registration Page Paste Dis
<div class="mainbox"><div class="mainblok"><div class="phdr"> SignUp Form </div> <div class="Nayan">::notifications:: <br/><b>Login Name :</b><br/> ::login::
</div> <div class="Nayan"><b>Password : </b><br/> ::password1::
</div> <div class="Nayan"><b>Verify password :</b><br/> ::password2::
</div></div></div><br/>::profile:: <br /><div class="Nayan">::submit::</div>
Copy code Now go to you Users » User profiles Scroll down and paste @
Registration Profile form (leave empty, if you want to use default form), this form will be used on registration site *: Textarea
NOTE: You are to tick
display profile form in registration page
tnx a lot.
i will.try it later