plz I want to build d next page for my site like someone said I can upload it. plz can u send me d code.
plz I want to build d next page for my site like someone said I can upload it. plz can u send me d code.
send it so I can upload it
(Edited by 2017-12-18 11:31 frankizy )
dis is wat I mean next page.. starting from
share buttons
time and date
weezywap on Facebook
always post on Facebook 2go Twitter status if u love weezywap
Google translate
pages and d footer
The animations full page code?
not d animation. but d CSS style he used it is for weezywap. wen u open a file in it is d CSS style DAT u will see while d file itself willb at d middle.. eg for example u will see share buttonstime and dateweezywap on Facebookalways post on Facebook 2go Twitter status if u love weezywapGoogle translatepages and d footer
I nw understand u suppose to hav told me that u need the heada nd foota of the link u droped. Copy weezywap css
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href=""/><link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href=""/><link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="" media="all,handheld"/>
Copy code copy the heada code
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Copy code copy the footer below
plz where do I put all d codes