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this link dey smoke o but sha give me ur campusbase test code
Check the link you droped..
Code not available for nw...
Create a simple forum a change my own forum id to urs
<div class="midostrike"><font color="white"><b>Phone Numbers Portal</b></font>
<img src=""/></div><div style="text-align:center;"><ul class="disclosure table group"><b>Welcome To The Online Phone Number Submission Portal Only For <font color="brown">Pro-subcribers</font><br/><font color="red">Note: </font><font color="green">Input Only Your Mobile / Phone Number In The Text Field!</font></b></ul></div><div class="disclosure table group" align="center">:forum-112658975/smallform/38:</div>
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(Edited by 2016-12-19 11:40 mrblinz )