Am unable to use this code to paste blog on my home page! After when i paste it it will show me dis (Error:
Insert content!
Incorrect content length!
Incorrect title length!
:bloglist:l=1,v=1,x=i:: :: :get-blog: :/bloglist: :bloglist: o=n,n=Posts not Available,l=25,t=--,s=:geti-n(1):,n=No Post Available,t=d F Y::
%edit% %del%
:: :/bloglist: ) i dont know y
<div id="start" class="x" name="webschool"><span class="nlfooter">Updates</span><form method="post" action="blog_0.xhtml">Image Url: <input name="blog_title" value="http://"/>:admin-hash-input: <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="new"/><script type="text/javascript"> document. write('<input name="blog_body" value="[url=]' + document.title+'[/url]" size=""/>' ); </script><br/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post" class=""/></form></div>
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