Blog Function Add block » Utilities » Social » Blog
The Basic Blog Function
Blog is used to publish articles and snippets of information, while allowing visitors to comment on them. The control panel for the blog function is built in to the building tool You may find it easier to add a blog function to a otherwise blank unpublished page and use that page to edit your blog or to add new posts and moderate the comments you can also moderate the comments from the comments tab in the main menu. From the building tool you can set the following blog parameters; Post display: Headers only, Just the title of the post, Headers and truncated post body, The title and the first part of the post to the end of the nearest word below 49 characters, Headers and post body, The title and the whole post, Headers and first image, The title and the first image from the post or the first part of the post to the end of the nearest word below 49 characters if no image is found, Headers and truncated post body and first image, The title and the first image from the post and the first part of the post to the end of the nearest word below 49 characters. Blog posts per page: How many posts to display per page. Post comments per page: How many comments to display per page. Entries sorting: Oldest entries first or newest. Comment sorting: Oldest comments first or newest. Hide entry tags: Hide the tag links in the posts. Show tags: Show all posts or just the posts with the selected tag. Show search box: Hide or show the blog search box. More Options: Format; Select a preset format for the post and comment timestamp including a "days ago", format Time zone; Set your local timezone, Translations; Back to posts, Comments, This post has no comments - be the first one!, Post a comment, Name, Comment, post, No entries found (This only shows if your blog is empty!), No search results founds, Tags, Search Created at, Showing posts tagged, Show all comments, See parent thread, Show all replies, Show replies, reply, You are posting as, Please login in order to post comments, Login, Signup, Please confirm your email before posting, report spam. Html Only Blog Settings: Using the code editor you can set additional parameters for the blog function format=The format of the timestamp is the same as Time and date, you can set a custom format in this display_limit=Length of short description (default 49 chars) display_symbol=What gets shown at the end of the short description (default...) version= 1 or 2 1 New features will NOT work Original classes and simple markup 2 Xtgem template classes and new markup with tags comment and search features badwords= Comma separated list of words banned from comments 0 comments_disable_links=1 disable links in comments poster= name fix the name of the comment poster to the name set and hide the name input Editing And Adding Posts, The maximum number of posts is 500. Add new posts using the building tool Or the "quick post" tool Edit or delete existing posts using the building tool. Title: You must add a title for the post. Subtitle: The subtitle is optional Tags: A comma seperated list of tags for this post The tags will be shown as links below the title and subtitle. Clicking on a tag will show a list of all posts with the same tag. Allow html: This will allow you to use html code in your posts or select the visual text tool on the web template If html is NOT allowed in a post you can use bbcode and smileys and newlines will be parsed as well Visual editor Enable / disable: "visual text tool" (web only) Allow html in comments. This will allow visitors to use html code in their comments, Only a restricted number of html tags are allowed <u> <i> <b> <strong> <a> <img> <pre> All others will be filtered out. If html is NOT allowed in comments, bbcode and smileys can be used by commenter's when writing comments Disable comments: Do not allow comments for this post
Save post as draft: Create a post but do not publish it until this is unchecked (new posts only).
Xtfunctions Xtwidgets And Scripts
In Blogs If html is enabled you can use: All html The html code versions of xtfunctions in your posts. (except another blog function) Javascript or jquery. The html version of xtwidgets As long as the only xtwidgets on the page are in the post, You cannot use xtscript in a blog but you can use a blog in xtscript. Comments: The comment system is linked to the xt:auth blog subscription service. The comment system allows unlimited multiple branches and threads of comments and replies for each post, Comments can be moderated from the blog function in the building tool or from the "comments" tab in the panel Comment Options In the "Site options" there is a menu for "Blog commenting restrictions" the options are; None (guest posting allowed), Normal unrestricted commenting. Email input required: Require the input of a email address Logged in users only: Only users that have registered, confirmed their email and logged in can comment Community Name: In the "profile settings" on your account page You can set a "community name". This will be used when posting comments on all xtgem sites when you are logged in If you have not set one you will be prompted to set one before you can comment.
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